Proportional QoS Adjustment for Achieving Feasible Power Allocation in CDMA Systems


R. Mathar, A. Feiten,


        Resource management is the general topic of the present paper,
particularly, we deal with capacity sharing for interference limited
wireless networks by power control. Proportional reduction of
the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) requirements
is suggested as the control mechanism to accommodate users in
the case of overload. For this purpose, we carefully
describe the geometrical structure and the asymptotic behavior of the
set of feasible power vectors as a proportionality factor tends to its
boundaries. In the case that there is no feasible power adjustment,
the minimum proportional SIR reduction is determined under general
power constraints. We conclude with developing a locally quadratic
convergent algorithm for numerical computation of the optimum power
assignment. The investigations provide both insight into the theoretical
structure of optimum power allocation as well as a practical
method for call admission control.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Rudolf Mathar and Anke Feiten},
	title = "Proportional {QoS} Adjustment for Achieving Feasible Power Allocation in {CDMA} Systems",
	pages = "254-259",
	journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Communications",
	volume = "56",
	number = "2",
	month = Feb,
	year = 2008,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223182,


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