A Direction-Specific Land Use Based Path Loss Model for Suburban/Rural Areas


A. Engels, M. Reyer, R. Mathar,


        Fast and accurate path loss prediction is a prerequisite for effective planning and optimization of cellular radio networks [1]. Ray optical algorithms often achieve very high prediction accuracy, see [2], but consume much computation time. How-
ever, semi-empirical prediction models suffer from inherent low prediction quality but require reasonable computational effort.
In this paper we propose a new Direction-specific Land use based Path loss model (DiLaP) that benefits from both approaches by utilizing the particular radio wave propagation characteristics of all land use segments that lay on the direct path be-
tween receiver and transmitter. It is intended for application to suburban/rural areas. According to common path loss models, e.g. see [3], this model defines a distance
dependent signal attenuation according to specific land use properties. Moreover, it is not restricted to only one land use segment but considers all segments - with different sizes and attenuation properties - that are passed by the straight ray from
receiver to transmitter. Smart direction-specific evaluation from receiver to transmitter causes a strong influence of land use segments that are located nearby the receiver and reduces the impact of segments far away, which comes close to reality.
After introducing the new model we discuss its specific characteristics and compare it to Ercegā€˜s widely-used path loss model [4] by verification based on WiMAX measurement data. In doing so, DiLaP prediction leads to mean squared errors of less than 6 dB while area-wide computation of a 6.25 km2 scenario at 2.5 m resolution only takes a few seconds. Hence, we suggest to integrate our smart directionspecific
approach into existing semi-empirical models.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Alexander Engels and Michael Reyer and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "A Direction-Specific Land Use Based Path Loss Model for Suburban/Rural Areas",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} AP-S/URSI International Symposium 2010",
	address = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
	month = Jul,
	year = 2010,
	hsb = hsb999910015376,


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