Bandwidth assignment for reliable fixed broadband wireless networks


G. Claßen, D. Coudert, A. M. C. A. Koster, N. Nepomuceno,


        In this paper, we investigate on conceiving reliable fixed broadband wireless networks under outage probability constraints. We introduce a joint optimization of data routing and bandwidth assignment that minimizes the total renewal fees of licenses, while handling all the traffic requirements simultaneously. This problem differs from classical capacity planning in the sense that the capacity of microwave radio links are prone to variations due to external factors (e.g., weather). Therefore, we must consider probabilistic constraints to deal with random parameters (viz., modulation schemes) and guarantee a desirable reliability level of the solution. We propose a (joint) chance-constrained programming approach to tackle this problem. This approach remains one of the main challenges of modern stochastic programming and it is still considered as very difficult and widely intractable. We then derive integer linear programming (ILP) counterparts for these chance-constrained programs and propose cutset-based valid inequalities to enhance the performance of ILP solvers. Preliminary computational results illustrate the price of reliability and present a comparative study on the performance of the different formulations.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Grit Cla{\"s}en and David Coudert and Arie Marinus Catharinus Antonius Koster and Napolea Nepomuceno},
	title = "Bandwidth assignment for reliable fixed broadband wireless networks",
	pages = "1-6",
	booktitle = "12th {IEEE} International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM)",
	address = {Lucca, Italy},
	doi = ,
	month = Jun,
	year = 2011,
	hsb = hsb999910057743,


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