Institute for Theoretical Information Technology
Publications by Martin Hellebrandt
M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar, Location Tracking of Mobiles in Cellular Radio Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 48, no. 5, pp. 1558-1562, September 1999.
R. Mathar, M. Hellebrandt, Mobility modeling in cellular radio networks, product form solutions and blocking, In K. Leung, B. Vojcic (eds.): ser. Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic for wireless communications, vol. 3, pp. 253-261, Publisher: Kluwer, Boston, 1999.
M. Hellebrandt, F. Lambrecht, R. Mathar, T. Niessen, R. Starke, Frequency allocation and linear programming, Proceedings: IEEE VTC, Houston, 1999.
R. Mathar, M. Hellebrandt, Optimum Mirror-HLR locations to reduce signalling load in cellular radio networks, In D. Everitt, M. Rumsewicz (eds.): ser. Multiaccess, Mobility and Teletraffic, Advances in Wireless Networks, pp. 139-150, Publisher: Kluwer, Boston, 1998.
R. Mathar, M. Hellebrandt, Fast and efficient automatic channel allocation in cellular radio networks, Proceedings: Globecom 98, The Bridge to Global Communications, Sydney, 1998.
M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar, Stochastic Analysis of Channel Segregation for Cellular Radio Networks, Proceedings: Intern. Conf. on Telecomm., Melbourne, Australia, April 1997.
M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar, M. Scheibenbogen, Estimating position and velocity of mobiles in cellular radio networks, IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 65-71, February 1997.
M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar, Cumulated interference power and bit-error rates in mobile packet radio, Wireless Networks, vol. 3, pp. 169-172, 1997.
M. Hellebrandt, R. Mathar, Speed and location monitoring for handover control in hierarchical cellular radio networks, In B. Walke (eds.): ser. ITG Fachbericht 145 Proceedings EPMCC'97, pp. 383-386, Publisher: VDE-Verlag, Berlin, 1997.