Deterministic Bipolar Measurement Matrices with Flexible Sizes from Legendre Sequence
A deterministic method to construct bipolar measurement matrices for compressed sensing is proposed based on Legendre sequences. The novel matrices have remarkably flexible measurement sizes, relatively low coherence and show empirically good performance compared with Gaussian matrices.
Index Terms
Compressed Sensing, Legendre Sequences, Deterministic Method.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@article{ZhMaZh16, author = {Guohua Zhang and Rudolf Mathar and Quan Zhou}, title = "Deterministic Bipolar Measurement Matrices with Flexible Sizes from Legendre Sequence", pages = "928 –930", journal = "Electronics Letters", volume = "52", number = "11", doi = 10.1049/el.2016.0765, month = May, year = 2016, hsb = RWTH-2016-03898, }
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