Capacity Regions and Optimal Power Allocation for CDMA Cellular Radio
The capacity region of code division multiple access (CDMA) is determined by the set of transmission rates combined with quality-of-service requirements which allow for a feasible power allocation scheme for n mobiles in a cellular network. The geometrical and topological properties of the capacity region are investigated in the present paper for the case of unlimited and limited power, respectively. As a central result we show that the capacity region is convex by breaking the tricky topological structure into characteristic properties of its boundary and interior points, each of interest in itself. Based on these results, we furthermore investigate optimal power assignment schemes in the case that the demand of a community of users is infeasible. Weighted minimax and Bayes solutions are explicitly determined as appropriate means to share the capacity of a cellular network in a reasonable and fair way.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@article{ImMa05, author = {Lorenz Imhof and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Capacity Regions and Optimal Power Allocation for {CDMA} Cellular Radio", pages = "2011-2019", journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on Information Theory", volume = "51", number = "6", month = Jun, year = 2005, hsb = RWTH-CONV-223176, }
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