Cyclic Interference Alignment Via Polynomial Rings for Multi-user Communication Channels


H. Maier, J. Schmitz, R. Mathar,


        This chapter deals with the basic concept of interference alignment (IA) as introduced by Cadambe et al., particularly focusing on IA by propagation delay (IAP). This specific type of IA addresses the problem of interference in multi-user communication systems with long propagation delays as observed in satellite or underwater communication systems for instance. So far, IAP was conceptually described by the linear deterministic channel model (LDCM) by Avestimehr et al. The impact of channel gains is described by linear shifted and superimposed signal vectors between transmitters and receivers. However, a closed-form information-theoretic capacity analysis of such channels is challenging for asymmetric channel gains with more than two transmitter receiver pairs communicating simultaneously. Our main contribution in this chapter is a novel channel model extending the LDCM to cyclic shifts—the cyclic polynomial channel model (CPCM). It is inspired by the algebraically convenient description of cyclic codes. We investigate the 3-user interference channel, the 2-user X-channel and the 2×2×2 relay interference channel in terms of the CPCM with arbitrary cyclic shifts. We derive upper bounds and formulate optimal interference alignment and interference neutralization schemes to show their achievability.

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The chapter Cyclic Interference Alignment Via Polynomial Rings for Multi-user Communication Channels is online available.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Henning Maier and Johannes Schmitz and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Cyclic Interference Alignment Via Polynomial Rings for Multi-user Communication Channels",
	pages = "191-214",
	publisher = "Springer International Publishing",
	series = "Signals and Communication Technology",
	address = "Switzerland",
	ISBN = "978-3-319-224400-4",
	month = Jan,
	year = 2016,
	hsb = RWTH-2016-00955,


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