Adaptive Control in Cyber-Physical Systems: Distributed Consensus Control for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems
In contrast to cable-bound connections, the wireless channel is an unreliable medium. Moreover, in distributed control, where multiple agents interact, a low latency in communication is important for a fast convergence of the distributed control algorithms.
In this chapter, we present a tutorial of the theory of consensus in multiagent systems targeting wireless cyber-physical systems (CPS). Particularly, we address communication engineers. Additionally, we present how consensus can be achieved with a given communication topology and we discuss how a limited communication capacity on different communication links influences the consensus of such CPS. As the quality of the wireless channel strongly influences the convergence of distributed control algorithms, we also present medium access control layer scheduling algorithms to reduce the latency and increase robustness in case of weak channel conditions.
Consensus; Quantization; Distributed control; Multiagent systems; Protocol; Cyber-physical systems
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@incollection{DaMoBaBaKuLuZaAs17, author = {Guido Dartmann and Elham Modarresi and Mahdi Barhoush and Naim Bajcinca and G{\"u}nes Karabulut Kurt and Volker L{\"u}cken and Ehsan Zandi and Gerd Ascheid}, title = "Adaptive Control in Cyber-Physical Systems: Distributed Consensus Control for Wireless Cyber-Physical Systems", publisher = "Academic Press", series = "Intelligent Data-Centric Systems", address = "Boston", booktitle = "Cyber-Physical Systems: Foundations, Principles and Applications", year = 2017, hsb = RWTH-2016-10690, }
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