Tight Performance Bounds for Distributed Detection


G. Fabeck, R. Mathar,


        Evaluating the performance measures of distributed detection
in sensor networks is important for design procedures aiming
at optimal configurations. Direct computation of the detection
error probabilities is a difficult problem and feasible only
for some special cases. In this paper, we present an approach
that provides tight upper bounds on the error probabilities of
distributed detection in the parallel fusion network which are
both rigorous and computationally simple. The bounds are
derived by combining an inequality formulated by Hoeffding
with a multiplicative form factor. We demonstrate that the
bounds apply to sensor networks of varying size, an arbitrary
number of local quantization levels, and non-identical sensors.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Gernot Fabeck and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Tight Performance Bounds for Distributed Detection",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} ICASSP 2007",
	address = {Honolulu},
	year = 2007,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223561,


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