A Cube Oriented Ray Launching Algorithm for 3D Urban Field Strength Prediction


R. Mathar, M. Reyer, M. Schmeink,


        Fast radio wave propagation prediction is of tremendous interest for
planning and optimization of cellular radio networks. We propose a
cube oriented 3D ray launching algorithm for both fast and accurate
field strength prediction, particularly suitable for urban scenarios.
Our model allows field strength prediction for a 5 sqkm area
with 5 meter resolution in about 8 sec with mean squared
error of 7 dB. As urban environments cannot be completely described,
we recommend a parameter calibration for different cities using
measurement data from test runs.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Rudolf Mathar and Michael Reyer and Michael Schmeink},
	title = "A Cube Oriented Ray Launching Algorithm for {3D} Urban Field Strength Prediction",
	booktitle = "{IEEE} {ICC} 2007",
	address = {Glasgow},
	month = Jun,
	year = 2007,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223566,


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