Hardware Acceleration Techniques for 3D Urban Field Strength Prediction


M. Reyer, T. Rick, R. Mathar,


        Planning and optimization of radio networks are active research areas. Therefore, both fast and accurate radio wave propagations predictions are required. To fulfill those requirements we propose specialized algorithms on ordinary graphics cards. We present an efficient algorithm for determining the visibility between objects. Therefore, we exploit the discrete pixel structure on graphics processing units (GPU). This leads to a tremendous acceleration of up to 140 times compared to a version on a CPU.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Michael Reyer and Tobias Rick and Rudolf Mathar},
	title = "Hardware Acceleration Techniques for {3D} Urban Field Strength Prediction",
	booktitle = "ITG WFMN'07",
	address = {Chemnitz, Germany },
	year = 2007,
	hsb = RWTH-CONV-223557,


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