Iterated Water-Filling for OFDMA Rate and Power Allocation with Proportionality Constraints
The present correspondence deals with the rate and power allocation
problem for multi-user orthogonal frequency division multiple access
(OFDMA). Using directional derivatives we first derive an explicit
solution of the single-user OFDM power allocation problem for a general
class of rate-power functions. In a nested algorithm, this solution
is used to determine the solution of the closely related rate
allocation problem for both the single-user and multi-user case
with proportionality constraints. The results are applied to a
widely used class of rate-power function.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{MaRe07, author = {Rudolf Mathar and Michael Reyer}, title = "Iterated Water-Filling for {OFDMA} Rate and Power Allocation with Proportionality Constraints", booktitle = "{IEEE} GLOBECOM 2007", address = {Washington}, month = Nov, year = 2007, hsb = RWTH-CONV-223568, }
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