On the Throughput/Bit-Cost Tradeoff in CSMA Based Cooperative Networks
Wireless local area networks (WLAN) still suffer
from a severe performance discrepancy between different users
in the uplink. This is because of the spatially varying channel conditions
provided by the wireless medium. Cooperative medium
access control (MAC) protocols as for example CoopMAC were
proposed to mitigate this problem. In this work, it is shown that
cooperation implies for cooperating nodes a tradeoff between
throughput and bit-cost, which is the energy needed to transmit
one bit. The tradeoff depends on the degree of cooperation.
For carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) based networks, the
throughput/bit-cost tradeoff curve is theoretically derived. A new
distributed CSMA protocol called fairMAC is proposed and it is
theoretically shown that fairMAC can asymptotically achieve any
operating point on the tradeoff curve when the packet lengths go
to infinity. The theoretical results are validated through Monte
Carlo simulations.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{BoMa10, author = {Georg B{\"o}cherer and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "On the Throughput/Bit-Cost Tradeoff in CSMA Based Cooperative Networks", booktitle = "International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC)", address = {Siegen}, month = Jan, year = 2010, hsb = hsb910015883, }
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