Autonomous Downlink Power Control for LTE Femtocells based on Channel Quality Indicator
In this work, a downlink power control scheme based on channel quality indicator (CQI) is proposed for LTE femtocells. Unlike the conventional methods, this scheme takes the service types of users into account. Without making strong assumptions, such as full knowledge of the network or perfect coordination among basestations, a completely decentralized solution is provided. Simulation results confirm, that comparing to the conventional schemes, better throughput and coverage can be achieved simultaneously by the proposed algorithm.
BibTEX Reference Entry 
@inproceedings{XuKuMa13b, author = {Xiang Xu and Gledi Kutrolli and Rudolf Mathar}, title = "Autonomous Downlink Power Control for LTE Femtocells based on Channel Quality Indicator", pages = "3065-3070", booktitle = "{IEEE} 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications: Mobile and Wireless Networks (PIMRC)", address = {London, UK}, month = Sep, year = 2013, hsb = hsb999910312807 , }
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