A Sharp Double Inequality for the Inverse Tangent Function


G. Alirezaei,


        The inverse tangent function can be bounded by different inequalities, for example by Shafer’s inequality. In this paper, we propose a new sharp double inequality for the inverse tangent function. In particular, we sharpen Shafer’s inequality and calculate the best corresponding constants. The maximum relative errors of the obtained bounds are approximately smaller than 0.27% and 0.23% for the lower and upper bound, respectively. Furthermore, we determine an upper bound on the relative errors of the proposed bounds in order to describe their tightness analytically.


to MIA on Monday, 15. July 2013.

BibTEX Reference Entry 

	author = {Gholamreza Alirezaei},
	title = "A Sharp Double Inequality for the Inverse Tangent Function",
	journal = "Mathematical Inequalities {\&} Applications",
	year =  -11,


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