Institute for Theoretical Information Technology
Publications by Alexander Engels
A. Engels, M. Reyer, X. Xu, R. Mathar, J. Zhang, H. Zhuang, Autonomous Self-Optimization of Coverage and Capacity in LTE Cellular Networks, Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 1989-2004, June 2013.
A. Engels, M. Reyer, A. Steiger, R. Mathar, Min-Cut Based Partitioning for Urban LTE Cell Site Planning, Proceedings: The 10th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference CCNC 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, January 2013.
X. Xu, M. Reyer, F. Schröder, A. Engels, R. Mathar, A Semi-Stochastic Radio Propagation Model for Wireless MIMO Channels, Proceedings: International Symposium on Wireless Communication 2011, Aachen, Deutschland, November 2011.
A. Engels, M. Neunerdt, R. Mathar, H. M. Abdullah, Acceptance as a Success Factor for Planning Wireless Network Infrastructure, Proceedings: International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2011 (ISWCS'11), Aachen, Germany, November 2011.
A. Engels, M. Reyer, R. Mathar, Profit-Oriented Combination of Multiple Objectives for Planning and Configuration of 4G Multi-Hop Relay Networks, Proceedings: 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE ISWCS), York, United Kingdom, September 2010.
M. Neunerdt, A. Engels, R. Mathar, Land Use Classification as a Key Component for Path Loss Prediction in Rural Areas, Proceedings: 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (IEEE ISWCS), York, United Kingdom, September 2010.
A. Engels, M. Reyer, R. Mathar, A Direction-Specific Land Use Based Path Loss Model for Suburban/Rural Areas, Proceedings: IEEE AP-S/URSI International Symposium 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 2010.